Showing posts with label Interactive notebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interactive notebook. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The first day of class: not too shabby

First confession: I was a little nervous today in anticipation of introducing the standards based grading system to my freshmen. I had written a concise but informative description of how I planned to implement the system in my syllabus, but I also decided I wasn't going to introduce it by just reading the syllabus together. That just would have been too wordy and boring. So instead I told them they could read all the details in the syllabus (indeed their first assignment is to sign a mutual agreement of expectations that I also signed and that their parents need to sign), but that I would explain the system using visuals and we'd have a discussion.

Second confession: I cribbed *a lot* from my friend Bowman to introduce the concept of standards based grading to my freshmen - in particular, he came up with a wonderful analogy between SBG and the game Angry Birds. So I will also give him all the credit for just how well they responded to the explanation. It was actually kind of thrill to see their positive reactions. 

First, it was obvious that they really welcomed the idea of having it be made very clear on every homework what they could work on and what skills they were required to master. I thought they'd be intimidated by it all, but instead they were really receptive. In fact, some of them almost anticipated some of my visuals with their questions. I think showing them a sample homework and explaining how it would work really helped (see sample homework image below).

Second, they clearly loved the idea that they could fix their knowledge of content with my unit goals component. I'll be interested to see which students end up actually pro-active about it, but at least today they made it clear that they understood they could be rewarded for improvement as well has penalized for not being pro-active about understanding the skills and content necessary for the course.

So we'll see how it goes, but third confession: I'm quite relieved that introducing my grading system was not as painful as I feared. In fact it only took about 15 minutes total with their questions and my visuals. 

I'll also say that while they didn't seem immediately sold on the concept of having a notebook solely devoted to my class, and the idea that we'd be gluing handouts in it, they clearly perked up at the idea of designing the cover of their portfolio. I had already decorated a cover for my portfolio and so I showed them mine and challenged them to make theirs look better because I'm a terrible artist. We'll see what they come up with next week!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Standards Based Grading: The Starting Line

I started wrestling with how to use Standards Based Grading a month ago, and although the time I spent researching its potential applications left me with my eyes crossed, it also gave me a lot of good ideas to consider. So when I returned to it this week and tried to foresee how I wanted to design my freshmen world history class, here is what I have discovered/created/need to consider further:

  • First, my overall grading scale.
    • Unit Goals – 35%
    • Essential/Transferable Skills – 35%
    • Portfolio Upkeep – 10%
    • Citizenship10%
    • Final Exam – 10%

This grading scale allows for my standards to fall into four categories. My list of standards and their indicators are below.

Stephen Lazar's reflections on his own experience with SBG  have been incredibly helpful in  my own crafting of the above list and grading scale. I'd like to note that he has 'Citizenship' as a part of his SBG, and I agree with him that some students need feedback regarding certain aspects of their behavior, which is why I have included it for my freshmen. I'm not sure I would do this for my AP class.

  • I have decided that I will set aside formal time for reassessments, but seeing as how this is the first year I'm doing SBG, I don't want to force myself into something weekly; I am thinking of something more bi-weekly...? I've decided this for two reasons: first, while Shawn Cornally has some good suggestions for reassessments that are not cookie-cutter retests, it would take me some time to consider how to reassess students for certain objectives in a way that forces them to apply the essentials without simply re-doing a different version of an original assignment. Since this essentially means coming up with an alternative activity for the student to do to show proficiency, until I am confident that I can do this easily enough, I want to make sure I have everything else figured out before assuming I can easily create reassessments. Second, I am considering reassessing students based more on their ability to reflect & articulate why they did not meet a standard. A colleague of mine used 'text corrections' (below) for his class last year, and he had  positive responses from it, so I may consider revamping his sheets for a reflection reassessment tailored to my class. But how can I 'objectively' raise a student's standard based on such a test correction?

  • Furthermore, with regards to reassessment, I have included a 'Growth' strand in my 'Citizenship' standard to help those students who may not be as proactive about showing up for a formal reassessment. In other words, if students show improvement over the course of a term in assigned material, then they will have met a goal of working towards longer retention and mastery of skills. So the idea would be to consciously give students opportunities to reassess as the term goes on in other assignments. Example: if they do an assignment in my Roman unit that is well-written (meets standard E/T 2.1 of my list) but is factually wrong (fails in standards UG 1.1 and E/T 2.2), maybe in my Han China unit they can re-assess by making a logical connection/comparison between the empires in a given assignment. I could then increase their earlier poor scores in the other standards. Yet I would have to make continual reminders to my students that this is a possibility in order to ensure that they are conscious that answering a question can take many forms & should make connections to past material, as long as the answer is relevant, logical, and precise.

  • My biggest worry with all of this, however, is what SBG will do to my gradebook. I use EasyGradePro for my grades, and while it is great in its ability to add standards, I am a bit confused as to what will be the best way to generate reports for my students. Here is a screen shot of a sample progress report I made-up - while it makes sense to me, I can imagine how ridiculous it would look to one of my students, let alone a parent who may not have the fortitude to try and figure it out. Now a progress report like this is not what my school sends home - this is what my students and their parents could access online just for my class - so it is nothing official, but I still wish it could be less complicated looking.

  • I'm also concerned about how exactly I will grade assignments. In EasyGradePro I can very easily assign standards/indicators to an assignment, but how can I most effectively give my students feedback that they can easily grasp? As I wrote in an earlier post, I plan to introduce the interactive notebook (=portfolio) to my class, so here is a potential problem. If they do a simple 5-10 minute reflection on a topic we discussed, how can I grade according to the 6 or 7 indicators of my writing standard? I will have to discuss this with the teachers at my school who have used SBG to consider how they handle rubrics.
  • As most teachers who use SBG realize, there is a problem if your school hands out grades as a percentage and final letter grade. How can you convert the results of your SBG to the traditional grading scale? I found this site which, I think, has a good justification for a mathematical formula used to calculate final grades. Would it make sense if I use this formula for my standards to calculate my final grade?

Shawn Cornally has a great analysis of the benefits of summative assessments, even in a class that uses the SBG. And in fact his justification for using summative assignments is, I think, the best way of explaining to my students why they have finals anyway. And fundamentally discussing the point of a final exam will also provide just one more opportunity to get them to think throughout the year how they learn.

As of right now I'll be honest and admit I am feeling like I may be taking on a lot of unknowns here for my freshmen class, with both the interactive notebook and this whole new way of doing my grades, but hopefully all of this pre-planning will help limit the problems as well as provide enough background for me to fix any pitfalls.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Interactive Notebook

I have the good fortune at the moment to be writing this post in Oxford, where I am chaperoning students for three weeks while they take a course here. A few times now different students have asked me what I do during the day while they are in class, and when I tell them that I am doing work, I inevitably receive a brief look of confusion and then the question, "What work do you have to do? Can't you just reuse what you did last year?" It never fails to amuse me when students reveal that they can't always conceptualize the amount of work teachers put into their classes (even when they complain about how much work it takes for them to prepare for a 15-minute presentation for a class, and thus forget that we subject ourselves to a much higher standard of engagement every day!).

So what exactly have I been working on? Well, three of the problems I face with my freshmen world history class is: 1. their inability to organize themselves; 2. their inability to succinctly and yet thoroughly take notes, particularly because English is a second language for most of them and so their processing time is a bit longer to be able to articulate concepts learned in class; and 3. the fact that they do not revisit their notes until they absolutely have to (i.e. an upcoming assessment).

In the three years I have taught at my school, I have gotten a lot better at anticipating the organization problem, and so it's become second-nature for me to do things like use visual and audio reminders so that students write down something important, or to remind them to use their planner etc. etc. As for the second problem, I have used a weekly assignment called a 'journal sheet' that allows students to reflect on what they learned for the week, and it also forces them to read the news. A sample journal sheet is below.
Journal Sheet (2011-12)

The problem with the journal sheet, however, is that every year it does not become as much of a routine as I would like. So one of my goals is to figure out how I will implement a more interactive way for my freshmen students to handle their notebook since this could attack all three problems at once. I first got this idea when my friend Bowman introduced me to this post: .  The idea is simple: students maintain a physical notebook throughout the year which is solely devoted to your class and is a space for them not only in which to take notes, but also to reflect and build on what they have learned. The latter idea is my favorite thing about the interactive notebook. I know that a lot of teachers have tried digital solutions to my three problems (particularly by using OneNote and sharing notes/assignments via the school network), but instead of inviting the demons that come alongside relying on computers (other software distractions; low battery supplies; internet outages), I want to keep it simple for my students and use actual notebook paper. Plus I think it gives students the advantage of being creative with their own hands, as you'll see below. I can debate the advantages of forbidding computer use in my classroom in a future post, but for now here is how I have decided to implement the interactive notebook in my class:

  • I will create my own interactive notebook along with the students. This way they will have a model notebook which to refer to throughout the year, and I will theoretically be able to use it as an example to show students at the start of the next year. But I will also call it a 'portfolio' rather than an interactive notebook, just so they recognize that the object is meant to be a place for everything to be collected, not just notes.

  • At the start of each unit I will give students a template like the one below to paste into their portfolio so that they have a sense of what the essential questions are for each unit and what sources we will be looking at (which will hopefully also reinforce the importance of source material for historians).

Students will paste such a table on a page but leave space (perhaps a whole left-hand page) for revisiting it at the end of the unit, with the goal of drawing a picture (or pictures) of the main elements of the unit near the table. We will also use the table to revisit the essential questions and reflect on the sources in class or as homework.

  • I will not use the right side of the notebook as an 'input' side and the left side as an 'output' side. While I understand that is a critical part of the interactive notebook, I hesitate  to use this format for two reasons:
    • Since this is the first time I am doing an interactive notebook, I am having a hard time conceptualizing what I want my students' 'input' side to look like when they are simply taking notes from a class discussion. This website:  has wonderful photos of what an interactive notebook can look like, and she has a great suggestion that students NOT turn the page in their notebook unless explicitly asked by their teacher, so if they need more paper for notes, they just glue loose-leaf pages to the page and fold them. Yet I don't think this would be practical for my class, seeing as how throughout the year my students struggle to learn what is the best way for them to take notes. This means that normally their notes end up having different lengths (some write what appear to be transcripts of class, while others are better at being succinct), so it is hard for me to imagine the chaos that would ensue if class was stopped so some students could grab loose leaf paper for their notebook. So I would rather have students discover how they want to take notes and not be limited by having to leave the left side of their notebooks blank. 
    • I am 99% sure that my students will NOT do anything on the output side unless it is made a formal assignment, so I will have to frequently give reflection/application assignments for the students to do in their notebook (both in and outside of class). Thus I do not think leaving the left side blank is necessary - they could do the reflection/application assignments in the space after their notes.

  • has a great idea for creating a little pouch that students can use to insert vocab cards. I love this idea because I do not usually assign identifications on my quizzes and exams because my tests are weighed toward analytical short and long essay questions, but having students create their own vocabulary cards would be another great way for them to review the material. Here's another helpful site in that regard:, so expect a future post once the year starts on what criteria I will use for students to create their own vocabulary cards.

  • The downside to this whole system is that I will have to grade the portfolios fairly frequently in order to ensure that the students are serious about taking notes and reflecting on the material. Yet I do not think this has to take a lot of time, and will give me a better sense of just how students are taking notes in my class; I found a sample rubric here which is good, and which I can use perhaps bi-weekly when I check their portfolios. But if I assign a reflection assignment as homework, then it would be easy to grade it simply for completion. Nonetheless here is where I will have to put in some further thought because I plan to use the Standards Based Grading system, so I need to consider how I will incorporate the interactive notebook.

Any feedback/suggestions about my thoughts here would be wonderful! And of course I plan to post about how this plan all works out in the fall…

P.S. Just so you don't think all I'm doing is work and chaperoning here in Oxford, I want to reassure you I have time for exploration and fun this summer as well! :)